On our Insights page, you will find current information from everyday school life. Here we present exciting projects and provide you with the latest news from our schools. You can also look forward to picture galleries and videos.
Have fun browsing!
We are a Fairtrade School!
Our award ceremony took place in the presence of the press, representatives of the city and Fairtrade Germany.
Why should schools be involved with Fairtrade? Well, schools are not only places of learning, but also places where values are taught. And Fair Trade embodies precisely these important values: justice, sustainability and solidarity. By offering fair trade products in their canteens or integrating fair trade projects into lessons, schools can help to raise awareness of global, social and environmental issues. We at BiG are committed to this important task.
The Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung visits BiG 9
Two journalists and a photographer from the RNZ visited BiG 9 at their newspaper breakfast on November 6 to mark the start of the "Schüler machen Zeitung" project. In a cozy atmosphere, the students had the opportunity to ask them any questions they had about the RNZ and their everyday working lives.
Over the course of six weeks, the class receives the RNZ and also gains insights into the print medium "newspaper", reading and writing newspaper articles and the danger of fake news.
The highlight of the project is a writing competition between the participating classes. Stay tuned, because a special edition of the RNZ with the best articles will be published in April 2024!
Benvenuti in Italia
Starting in the school year 2023/24, the Bilingual Gymnasium will have a new profile subject, Italian, in addition to NwT!
Our students are very excited that they now have the opportunity to learn the language of a popular vacation destination. During the coming project week, they will be able to get a taste of the "Dolce Vita air" within the project "Benvenuti in Italia".

English Contest "The BiG Challenge" 2023
Our bilingual Gymnasium has once again participated in the state-wide English competition "The BiG Challenge".
The principal of the BiG, Mrs. Rossi-Kaufmann, congratulates warmly: "I am immensely proud that we can once again crown two state winners (Iga from BiG 9 and Dhriti from BiG 5.2) from the BiG with 1st and 2nd place. This is our fourth participation in this language competition and it shows how motivated and fun our children are in learning the foreign language and how great our English teachers prepare them."

Let's make the world a better place
As part of the application to become a "Fairtrade School", the BiG is participating this week in the campaign "Fair in the Day", both in the staff and in the class communities. Together they will have breakfast with fair products and draw attention to fair trade products.

Servus from Salzburg!
Some students of BiG 9 and 10 had an exciting class trip to Salzburg. Together with Ms. Rossi-Kaufmann and Ms. Fritz, the two classes visited Hellbrunn Palace, the Mozart House, the Salt Worlds and the House of Nature, among other things.
Thank you for the answers, Mr. Born!
Daniel Born, vice president of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg and constituency representative for the southwest of the Rhein-Neckar district, visited the vocational Gymnasium and the bilingual Gymnasium of the HPC on 03.03.23. He was able to make the work of the state parliament and the work of a member of the state parliament tangible through many examples and personal experiences. Our students were especially interested in the school system and the future of democracy.

Jugend forscht
On 28.02 as well as on 01.03 the Jugend forscht regional competition North Baden took place in Mannheim at Roche. Luna Ernst and Janis Hocker from BiG 10 took part for the HPC
participated in the category "working world". Luna and Janis' project "FlyAway" was about guiding insects safely out of the living space, as they are an important part of our ecosystem.
Furthermore, Sai Raghavendran and Rishith Srinivasa Chinnappa from BiG 6.1 participated with the "RishSaiTazer". They wanted to show that it is possible to spread disinfectant on the hands without touching them and thus counteract the multiplication of bacteria and viruses.
The HPC was awarded as a newcomer of the Jugend forscht competition. Furthermore, our young researchers enjoyed the attention of the jury and guests, which was dedicated to them and their project. Not only were they able to enjoy an exclusive visit to the planetarium, but they were also able to make contacts with other schools and get criticism and suggestions from the jury for next year. We hope that everyone will continue to work on their projects with motivation and that they will be able to come to next year's competition with even more projects.
Our 5th and 6th grades of BiG and Realschule celebrated carnival diligently and colorfully. Within the celebration the students could play different games, dance and sing. They also had the opportunity to put the finishing touches on their costumes with make-up.
Presentation of the natural forces
The students of BiG 5.1 and 5.2 had the task to prepare an exhibition on Monday after the carnival vacations in the first two lessons. With impressive displays and 3D models, the children presented the various forces of nature. Afterwards they had to answer questions. Under the guidance of geography teacher Mrs. Smith, impressive models were shown and the students were rightly very proud of the results!
Vamos! A Spanish scavenger hunt through the campus
The Spanish students of BiG 7.1 did a scavenger hunt during class. In and around the campus, clues with directions - in Spanish, of course - were hidden. At the end of the scavenger hunt all students found the target. Felicidades!

Competition of the Peace Foundation: "Fighting the crises in the world - starting small"
Congratulations to Akshita Gudla, Sonja Exmann, Hannah Sauer and Iga Ciereszko!
The four students of the bilingual Gymnasium took part in a competition organized by the Peace Foundation. The theme: "Fighting the crises in the world - starting small". They came in 2nd and 4th place and were congratulated by Dr. Karl Lamers from the Peace Foundation with certificates and prizes.
All students from the 7th to 12th grades in public and private schools within the twelve cities and municipalities of his constituency Heidelberg/ Weinheim had the chance to participate.
Translated with (free version)
Christmas market
Our bilingual Gymnasium students held a great Christmas market at the F+U campus. The students sold pastries, Christmas cards, anti-stress scrunchies and much more.
We would like to thank all the parents and students who put on the great Christmas party, provided active support and visited us.
Excursion to the european parliament
As part of their civics and French lessons, class BiG 10 went on an excursion to Strasbourg together with Mr. E and Mrs. M. The topic "Europe", which is anchored in the curriculum of both subjects, could be deepened by a visit to the European Parliament.
This was combined with the famous Strasbourg Christmas market.
Zoo Trip
As part of the Welcome Days of our new 5th graders, they visited the Heidelberg Zoo. The two classes spent the day together and had the chance to get to know their new classmates better.
En route pour Strasbourg
Accompanied by Mrs. M. and Mr. E., some students were finally able to go on an excursion again. The French classes went to our neighboring country - more precisely to Strasbourg.
Sarah from BiG 8 shares her experience of the excursion with us:
"After many corona-related hardships, we were finally able to go on a well-deserved excursion. This one went to Strasbourg for us as part of our French lessons together with the classes BiG 7, BiG 8, BiG 9 [...]. We did a rally with exciting tasks and afterwards we had time to walk around Strasbourg independently in groups. The whole trip was a complete success."
The Realschule, the bilingual Gymnasium, the Berufskolleg and the vocational Gymnasium have had a cooperation with the Theater Heidelberg since the school year 2020/21. Unfortunately, this could not be fully exploited in the last school year due to Corona. However, we will make up for this in the new school year.
The cooperation with the theater means that each class will attend a play or concert of the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg once a school year at a "student price". The play is selected and booked by the class teachers. For the younger classes, there is a choice of plays from the "young theater", which are adapted to the age of the children.
The aim is not only to make performances from all sections of the Heidelberg Theater and Orchestra accessible to the students, but also to give them the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. The aim is for the students to gain a deeper understanding of theater and build a longer-term bond.

English competition "The BiG Challenge" 2021: No less than 4 winners from the BiG
Our bilingual high school has participated in a nationwide English competition "The BiG Challenge" - We congratulate the four winners.
The principal of the BiG, Mrs. Rossi-Kaufmann, also congratulates: "I am very proud that we are able to choose a winner from each grade level of the BiG. This is only our second participation in this language competition and it shows how motivated and with how much fun our children are in learning the foreign language and how great our English teachers prepare them."
On the picture from left to right: Felix (BiG 5), Maria (BiG 6), Iga (BiG 7)
Missing: Benedikt (BiG 8)

Art we can...
Monster alarm in BIG 5.2
In BIG 5.2, the BK class was busy building and arting under the motto "recycling art". Here are a few results for you.
Homeschooling (BIG 5 Sj. 20/21, Ogger): project "Schattenbild_Fenstervögel".
"All the birds are already here, all the birds, all..."
Task: create a shadow painting with the theme "spring windows".
BIG 5.2 has been busy at home researching different types of birds, drawing, cutting and gluing. The spring windows turned out great!
From Pizza to 3D Art - Spatial Representation in the Pizza Box
In BIG 7, things got creative: there was cutting, gluing and painting.
The results are impressive.
Homeschooling (BIG 5 p.y. 20/21): Project "My Cake
The little pastry chefs are very proud of their cakes.
Have fun watching - your mouths will water.
Our partners
We cooperate with the Sprungbude Heidelberg.
"Level Up English" is our partner for English guided language camps.
Every year, our students take part in "The BiG Challenge" - a fun competition that teaches English along the way.